Lol, Mobley, for someone who thinks I write a lot of nonsense, you sure spend a lot of time on my Substack! And I don’t actually need to make money—I’m just lucky like that. ;)
Thanks, Mark! Yeah, I agree that naming the person in our response helps clear up any confusion. The Substack interface for comments is definitely an area they could improve. I really appreciate you persisting! :)
Oh really? Throw the cat another goldfish.
Mobley, what does: ‘Throw the cat another goldfish’ mean?
To hell with the expense. Let's waste our time reading inane twaddle when we could be out earning a buck.
Lol, Mobley, for someone who thinks I write a lot of nonsense, you sure spend a lot of time on my Substack! And I don’t actually need to make money—I’m just lucky like that. ;)
I think it is another of Mobley's red herrings. Your suggestion of using the persons name in ones post is helpful.
Thanks, Mark! Yeah, I agree that naming the person in our response helps clear up any confusion. The Substack interface for comments is definitely an area they could improve. I really appreciate you persisting! :)
Go for your life, Mark Hairyball.
Full name Grutliquor. Mobley Grutluor.
Mobley is that really your name? What is your name?