I looked up some definitions of Nationalism, and found it lives on the far right alongside fascism. It looks like Patriotism is the more benign expression of this feeling, and Shane Jones outburst looks more Patriotic than Nationalistic. Your use of the Nationalism word looks a bit extreme, and could be cos you are a long way to the left…
I looked up some definitions of Nationalism, and found it lives on the far right alongside fascism. It looks like Patriotism is the more benign expression of this feeling, and Shane Jones outburst looks more Patriotic than Nationalistic. Your use of the Nationalism word looks a bit extreme, and could be cos you are a long way to the left, and expressions from the centre, like Patriotism, look like Nationalism to you. You havent used the Patriot word anywhere, and I suggest patriotism is a normal human feeling, like loyalty, and doesnt need an ideology to exist. Not everyone is a fascist.
Hi Mark, I appreciate you having loooked into it. Nationalism is tended to be towards the right becase it speaks to the converging of status quo the RIght conservatism bend is about. But It can be done form the Left as well, TPM is a prime example of a Left leaning nationalist political party, and you could argue that a lot of the values that TPM advocate and argue for a Right Leaning, but in NZ, becase of Te Tirti O Waitangi, we have placed them on the Left. And for the record, I am not left leaning, I call myself a radical centrist, with a right been becase I don't like being told what to do by the government, so that places me in the radical individualist camp, however I have a strong sense of collective responsibility. But I am more right leaning than left if you want to place me squarely in that binary. I don't your Patriotic becase its not usually used to explain or study political theory, political history or political science.
I think of the Canadian anthem where it says "True patriot love in all thy sons command". As I was taught in Canadian history the idea is that patriotism loves the Canadian ideal of a free and liberal (in the classic sense) society. Patriots respect individual rights and beliefs while holding to the collective ideals of loyatly and, in this case Canada first.
Nationalism can take 2 forms: the first is that a group of people try to shape the country to fit their ideals or way of thinking. India's Hindu nationalists would fit this description. Of course so could Mao's China where conformity to Mao's ideal was destroyed. German Nationalism was the same - interestingly Nazi stands for national socialist.
The other is where a country thinks their way is the only way and they can do what they damn well please. Manifest Destiny, in the US, is an example of this. Incidentally this one of the main reasons why the Canadians built the Canadian Pacific Railway between 1875 and 1885. They wanted to keep the American's on their side of the fence. No doubt Canadians were alarmed by statements such as 54/40 or fight (This would mean the current border would be at the Yukon)
Yes I would if I got the opportunity. I think plenty of people have retreated to the far left, and to them, everyone else is on the far right. You have probably heard that before, and I think that it applies mostly to younger people, people like Natalia. Some must need a telescope to see the rest of us, as they have retreated so far left. I noticed that Natalia used the Nationalism word multiple times without ever referring to patriotism. Im sure I clicked on "reply" to Natalia, just like I am replying to you, but these posts can get quite confusing, as it says I wasnt replying to anyone. Confused ?
Hi Mark, I agree these pots are very confusing. I try and add the name of the name of the person I am replying to to help, but it can get a bit all over the place. Thanks for calling me young, Im 43, so I guess I am young depending how old you are :) - Having said that I am not a left leaning thinker. I understand what your re saying, and I agree we have pushed ourselves to the extremes of each political vatange point. Exactly why I am motivated about politics the way I do, and the reason I called my Substack what I called it: Less Certain. So we can all dent and corrupt our misplaced sense of certainty and righteousness which is destroying our cavity to debate politics in a reasonable or constructive way.
"Retreat to the far left" Retreat being the operative word. Bunch of latte sipping crybabies. Anyone would be confused by the musings of pseudo intellectuals. That's why Trump is a breath of fresh air.
Nationalist, I wouldn’t use the word patriotic to define politicians or political movements, but I will look into this, just dont feel I have come across it as much in political science.
I was born in NZ but grew up mainly in Canada. I have been back in NZ for 40 years and i do not sound like any kiwis I know. In the 1970s and 80s the NZers got peeved with English migrant whinging about NZ and told them go home if they didn't like it. Unfortunately I got lumped in as a pom because of my accent - I have never set foot in Europe. The kiwis of the day would now be called nationalists, maybe even racists but the truth is they were patriots. They, like me, love NZ and our way of life. Their attitude, like mine, is welcome to NZ but this is NZ and it is incumbent on you to fit in, not the other way around. I have had the same situation in Canada and even within different provinces. It is simply a human reaction.
By the way, I have met with Winston Peters personally and he is a patriot, as is Shane Jones and the rest of the team - hence the party name New Zealand First. Anyone and everyone welcome here but everyone must be loyal to NZ.
Like you, I hate being told what to think or do by anyone.
Hi Andrew, thanks for taking time to read and comment. I spend six years in Canada too, in Vancouver, where did you grow up? I totally understand you being lumped as a Pom and how annoying that must be. It’s a bit when I am labeled Pākeha or Non-Māori as a main label. It’s uncomfortable and unhelpful.
I lived in the interior of BC, New Denver, and Victoria - both as a kid and in the Canadian Army. I spent my teenage years in Alberta so really consider myself an Albertan. If Trump tries to invade Canada I would happily defend Canada. In saying that I am a patriotic Kiwi.
I looked up some definitions of Nationalism, and found it lives on the far right alongside fascism. It looks like Patriotism is the more benign expression of this feeling, and Shane Jones outburst looks more Patriotic than Nationalistic. Your use of the Nationalism word looks a bit extreme, and could be cos you are a long way to the left, and expressions from the centre, like Patriotism, look like Nationalism to you. You havent used the Patriot word anywhere, and I suggest patriotism is a normal human feeling, like loyalty, and doesnt need an ideology to exist. Not everyone is a fascist.
Hi Mark, I appreciate you having loooked into it. Nationalism is tended to be towards the right becase it speaks to the converging of status quo the RIght conservatism bend is about. But It can be done form the Left as well, TPM is a prime example of a Left leaning nationalist political party, and you could argue that a lot of the values that TPM advocate and argue for a Right Leaning, but in NZ, becase of Te Tirti O Waitangi, we have placed them on the Left. And for the record, I am not left leaning, I call myself a radical centrist, with a right been becase I don't like being told what to do by the government, so that places me in the radical individualist camp, however I have a strong sense of collective responsibility. But I am more right leaning than left if you want to place me squarely in that binary. I don't your Patriotic becase its not usually used to explain or study political theory, political history or political science.
I think of the Canadian anthem where it says "True patriot love in all thy sons command". As I was taught in Canadian history the idea is that patriotism loves the Canadian ideal of a free and liberal (in the classic sense) society. Patriots respect individual rights and beliefs while holding to the collective ideals of loyatly and, in this case Canada first.
Nationalism can take 2 forms: the first is that a group of people try to shape the country to fit their ideals or way of thinking. India's Hindu nationalists would fit this description. Of course so could Mao's China where conformity to Mao's ideal was destroyed. German Nationalism was the same - interestingly Nazi stands for national socialist.
The other is where a country thinks their way is the only way and they can do what they damn well please. Manifest Destiny, in the US, is an example of this. Incidentally this one of the main reasons why the Canadians built the Canadian Pacific Railway between 1875 and 1885. They wanted to keep the American's on their side of the fence. No doubt Canadians were alarmed by statements such as 54/40 or fight (This would mean the current border would be at the Yukon)
I meant to say "where mao's ideal destroyed any others" and continues to do so.
Did you consider asking Shane whether he's an N or a P?
Yes I would if I got the opportunity. I think plenty of people have retreated to the far left, and to them, everyone else is on the far right. You have probably heard that before, and I think that it applies mostly to younger people, people like Natalia. Some must need a telescope to see the rest of us, as they have retreated so far left. I noticed that Natalia used the Nationalism word multiple times without ever referring to patriotism. Im sure I clicked on "reply" to Natalia, just like I am replying to you, but these posts can get quite confusing, as it says I wasnt replying to anyone. Confused ?
Hi Mark, I agree these pots are very confusing. I try and add the name of the name of the person I am replying to to help, but it can get a bit all over the place. Thanks for calling me young, Im 43, so I guess I am young depending how old you are :) - Having said that I am not a left leaning thinker. I understand what your re saying, and I agree we have pushed ourselves to the extremes of each political vatange point. Exactly why I am motivated about politics the way I do, and the reason I called my Substack what I called it: Less Certain. So we can all dent and corrupt our misplaced sense of certainty and righteousness which is destroying our cavity to debate politics in a reasonable or constructive way.
If you ask Jones, prepare for a verbal pasting!
"Retreat to the far left" Retreat being the operative word. Bunch of latte sipping crybabies. Anyone would be confused by the musings of pseudo intellectuals. That's why Trump is a breath of fresh air.
Nationalist, I wouldn’t use the word patriotic to define politicians or political movements, but I will look into this, just dont feel I have come across it as much in political science.
Hi Natalia
I was born in NZ but grew up mainly in Canada. I have been back in NZ for 40 years and i do not sound like any kiwis I know. In the 1970s and 80s the NZers got peeved with English migrant whinging about NZ and told them go home if they didn't like it. Unfortunately I got lumped in as a pom because of my accent - I have never set foot in Europe. The kiwis of the day would now be called nationalists, maybe even racists but the truth is they were patriots. They, like me, love NZ and our way of life. Their attitude, like mine, is welcome to NZ but this is NZ and it is incumbent on you to fit in, not the other way around. I have had the same situation in Canada and even within different provinces. It is simply a human reaction.
By the way, I have met with Winston Peters personally and he is a patriot, as is Shane Jones and the rest of the team - hence the party name New Zealand First. Anyone and everyone welcome here but everyone must be loyal to NZ.
Like you, I hate being told what to think or do by anyone.
Hi Andrew, thanks for taking time to read and comment. I spend six years in Canada too, in Vancouver, where did you grow up? I totally understand you being lumped as a Pom and how annoying that must be. It’s a bit when I am labeled Pākeha or Non-Māori as a main label. It’s uncomfortable and unhelpful.
I lived in the interior of BC, New Denver, and Victoria - both as a kid and in the Canadian Army. I spent my teenage years in Alberta so really consider myself an Albertan. If Trump tries to invade Canada I would happily defend Canada. In saying that I am a patriotic Kiwi.