Well, for iwi Māori, I'd say it's parochial because their main concerns relate to their specific ancestral whenua.
TPM does get sucked into that nationalist stuff from broader indigenous political movement. A lot of that is rhetoric, though; despite the policy and press statements about a separate Parliament, there doesn't appear to be a …
Well, for iwi Māori, I'd say it's parochial because their main concerns relate to their specific ancestral whenua.
TPM does get sucked into that nationalist stuff from broader indigenous political movement. A lot of that is rhetoric, though; despite the policy and press statements about a separate Parliament, there doesn't appear to be a massive amount of planning for a House of Lords or Scottish Parliament.
Well, for iwi Māori, I'd say it's parochial because their main concerns relate to their specific ancestral whenua.
TPM does get sucked into that nationalist stuff from broader indigenous political movement. A lot of that is rhetoric, though; despite the policy and press statements about a separate Parliament, there doesn't appear to be a massive amount of planning for a House of Lords or Scottish Parliament.
The Kotahitanga Parliament seems to be the popular model at the moment, and that's not a formal separate state, but more like an extended hui.
Oh God save us from another bloody hui!